This is my webpage. Someday, maybe I'll add an introduction. Until then, you can check out my stuff.
- Email: [email protected]
- Discord: renati_11 (formerly iszn_11#3647)
- Gitea: gitea.renati.me/renati
- GitHub: iszn11
- itch.io: iszn_11
Programming languages
- renjamlang: a scripting language made in 48h, where comments can be attached to values and have string interpolation ability
- asmscript: JIT-compiled, low-level programming language made in 48h, which attempts to make x86_64 assembly look more structured and easier to read
- RuntypeScript: a scripting language made in 48h, heavily inspired by TypeScript's type system, where type system is the value system
Other projects
- Handmade Instant Image Viewer (Hmiiv): tiny (90 kiB) Win32 application that can open and display an image and nothing else.
- oktaeder: 3D rendering library for WebGPU (not in active development)